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    People Watching 101

    Hmm...What should I blog about. Let me think. Oh, here it is. This is what I witnessed in Starbucks one day while people watching and having my midday latte...let me tell you, this didn't excite me in the least bit. Why on earth would any self-respecting man walk out of the house in this fashion? Why? I'll tell you why...

    Well maybe I won't tell you why, but I will tell you this. This guy truly needed some stern words from myself, which i was tempted to give, but instead I decided to post it on the world wide web and blog about it. Who the piss where's mom jeans? Other than moms, and female (tenured) teachers from Willacoochie, Georgia, or some other backwoods school in the south.

    Yes my dears, this guy was begging for it. I mean I love to people watch, and judge those who pass my line of sight, but it's all harmless. Everyone has done it. Don't get me wrong, I don't only judge the ugly, tragic ones. I judge the hot ones as well. I pick out the guys I would do (in the biblical way). It's People Watching 101 kids. Learn it, live it, love it!

    Well this is my first blog post as you can probably tell, I'll have more innovative, funny ones in the near future! Peace and L...


    Andy said...

    Maybe he thought his ass look good?