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    The Spartan Ballet!

    So today was a very interesting day. I went to my friends pool, which was a total fail, since it started raining approximately 30 minutes after my arrival. I was pretty upset. I got a nice tan though (ha ha).

    In other news I did witness a total tragedy in the subway. ^The girl pictured above was wearing what I like to call the "Spartan Ballerina from the neighborhood" look. Her feet were totally spilling over out of her "slippers" if you will. I just thought that was an amazing thing. My dear Spartan ballerina, let me judge you: I give you a three, four, whatever comes after six and keys to a hotel room.

    I know it makes me look like a bad person, when I take pictures of people on the train, but I mean really. Who doesn't judge people like this. Maybe this is why i have the friends that I have. I only hope that others can appreciate a good laugh at someone else's expense the way we can. I mean this is not what I do all day.

    Wait I just lied, I do judge people all day, but I do other things too. I do, I really do!!!!

    That is all...


    Todd said...

    Where's the one with the flower shoes?

    Andy said...

    This means you only have friends with amazing fashion sense? Hahaha. (Me too). :P