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    Fresh post!

    Its been so long since i posted. I feel like since i have this sweet little iPhone app I'll be posting a bit more:) .
    Nothing special about this post though just going through my facebook notes and was reminiscing so I decided to post about it...
    Working @ the Fitch used to be soo fun. Damn you economy! Barely any of these things ever happen anymore. Maybe I just need to wait until we have a management revamp. You know when the either get promoted or replaced by someone more attractive and moved to a mall out of site. Which is probably in order. It's actually almost done. One left!!! But this list is something one of my fellow models found. I miss you Ashlee:)
    I'm almost in tears reading this!!! It's so crazy how true this crap is.

    1. You see yourself fixing stuff in other stores.
    2. Dim lights don't seem to bother you
    3. The music where you're at is never loud enough.
    4. You aren't talking about roadside assistance when you mention AAA.
    5. You have to repeat yourself to customers because they can't hear you over the music.
    6. If you've ever had to explain a dirty innuendo to a confused soccer mom.
    7. You have a set playlist you play everytime you work.
    8. If you've ever held back tears/anger as someone destroys a stack of clothes you JUST folded.
    9. "Spritzing" the store is your favorite job.
    10. You go home with at least two size stickers stuck to your flip flops.
    11. Most of your c.d.s include bands from the juke and you now consider them "Abercrombie Music".
    12. You memorize songs you HATE.
    13. You call the mannequins "forms".
    14. When there are busy days, you absolutely hate working but in the end, wind up being so damn fun!
    15. You get angry when there aren't size stickers on shirts/jeans.
    16. You have found your managers' Facebooks.
    17. You use Abercrombie bags as trash cans.
    18. Getting new shipment in is like Christmas!
    19. You get annoyed at seeing other messy stores
    20. When you refer to your laundry as go-backs!
    21. You know the stories behind David Abercrombie and Ezra Fitch.
    22. 25% of your paycheck goes to the Mall Food Court and the other 75% goes right back to Abercrombie.
    23. You tried to recruit someone you thought was 18 but was actually 14.
    24. When you purposely make the forms grope each other to see if anyone will notice.
    25. You have the same schedule printed out 5 times and they're all in your back pocket.
    26. You have excuses as to why you stay at Abercrombie even though the pay is shitty (Ex: it's chill, good music, I don't do shit, we have fun...etc).
    27. You call colors by numbers.
    28. And finally, you know you work at Abercrombie if all of this has hit way too close to home!